Online Journal of Educational Sciences and Technology2025-02-23T17:19:22+00:00Dr A.O.A. Journal Systems IMPACT OF GAMIFICATION STRATEGIES ON PRIMARY SCHOOL PUPILS’ MOTIVATION TO LEARN MATHEMATICS IN SOUTH WEST NIGERIA2024-09-25T19:03:23+00:00SCOOLJ, OLUWAJUWONLO JOSEPH SCOOLJ, OLUWAJUWONLO<p><em>Nigeria grapples with challenges within its educational framework, with a prevailing focus on quantitative metrics often neglecting qualitative aspects. Mathematics education, in particular, stands out as a significant hurdle in achieving educational objectives. This study seeks to examine the influence of gamification strategies on primary school pupils' motivation to learn mathematics in Southwest Nigeria. It employed a quasi-experimental pre-test/post-test control group factorial design: the research encompasses eight primary schools across Lagos and Osun states. The Motivation to Learn Mathematics Scale (MLMS) was adapted from the Science Motivation Questionnaire (SMQ) to gauge motivation levels. Data collected were subjected to analysis employing descriptive statistics, ANCOVA. The findings reveal a positive impact of gamification treatment on pupils' motivation to learn mathematics. Moreover, the study shows that gender does not exert a significant influence on primary school pupils' motivation to learn mathematics. similarly, the area of classification does not significantly affect pupils' motivation. Consequently, it is recommended, among other measures, that the incorporation of gamification strategies into mathematics teaching for primary school pupils be prioritized.</em></p>2024-09-21T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF INDIVIDUALIZED LEARNING STRATEGY ON STUDENTS’ INTEREST IN DATA PROCESSING IN NNEWI EDUCATION ZONE OF ANAMBRA STATE2024-10-14T23:56:56+00:00OKEKEOKOSISI JOHNBOSCO O. C. OKEKEOKOSISI JOHNBOSCO O. C.gentlejack10@yahoo.comANAEKWE MARCELLINUS, C. ANAEKWE MARCELLINUS, C.<p><em>The study examined how data processing students’ interest could be improved through the use of individualized learning strategy in Nnewi Education Zone of Anambra State, Nigeria. The study adopted a quasi-experimental design, specifically the pretest posttest non-equivalent control group research design. Two research questions and two null hypotheses guided the study. A two-stage sampling procedure were used to sample 38 public co-educational secondary schools out of 50 public schools in Nnewi education zone of Anambra State. A simple random sampling technique (balloting without replacement) were used to select 6 public co-educational secondary schools. Intact classes from the 6 schools were used for the study. The instrument used for data collection were an adapted interest scale questionnaire. The reliability of the interest scale tagged computer maintenance ethics</em> and human issues<em> questionnaire (CMEQAHI) were determined using Cronbach Alpha method with an index value of 0.71. The two groups were taught six lessons on the theme computer maintenance ethics using individualized learning strategy (ILS) and lecture method (LM) respectively. Data were collected by administering CMEQAHI on the participants as pre-test and post-test. Data obtained were analyzed using mean, standard deviation and two-way Analysis of Covariance. The findings revealed among others that there is a significant difference in the mean interest rating scores of students exposed to ILS and LM in favour of the former group. Based on the findings, the study recommended that individualized learning strategy should be incorporated in the curriculum as a teaching strategy in teaching data processing in the classroom since it encourages self-development. </em></p>2024-10-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 SKILLS AS CORRELATES OF ACADEMIC STAFF SERVICE DELIVERY IN SOUTH-WEST FEDERAL UNIVERSITIES OF NIGERIA2024-12-03T06:17:58+00:00ADEBIYI, A. D ADEBIYI, A. Dbukolaadebiyi5@gmail.comADETORO, J. A ADETORO, J. Abukolaadebiyi5@gmail.comADEKUNLE, A. A. ADEKUNLE, A.<p>Soft skills are regarded as interpersonal skills and character traits that complement the service delivery of academic staff in the university. This study examined the relationship between soft skills and academic staff service delivery in selected Federal universities in South-Western Nigeria. Two research objectives guided this study and were transformed into research questions and hypotheses. The theoretical framework adopted in this study was the Lean Management Theory. This study adopted a correlational survey research design. The population of the study `comprised 2,947 academic staff from two Federal universities in South-West, with a sample size of 352 using Taro Yemane’s sample size calculator. Random sampling technique was used in the selection of participants for the study. The instrument used for data collection was developed by the researchers, validated by experts and found reliable through a pilot testing. Data analysis was carried out using Pearson product moment correlation. The findings of the study revealed a positive and significant relationship between time management skill and academic staff service delivery and between problem-solving skill and academic staff service delivery in South-West Federal universities in Nigeria. The study recommended that academic staff should be trained on the importance of soft skills on service delivery in the university.</p>2024-12-02T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 TEACHERS’ PERCEIVED USABILITY OF ONLINE PLATFORMS FOR LEARNING EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY IN COLLEGES OF EDUCATION IN SOUTH-WEST, NIGERIA2025-01-16T18:42:05+00:00Nathan E. J.<p><em>The usability of online platforms such as google classroom, Edmodo and Educate for learning Educational Technology in the Colleges of Education is a function of ease of use, usefulness, ease of learning, accessibility and satisfaction, all which play crucial roles in determining how effectively these platforms are adopted and utilized by pre-service teachers. This study investigated pre-service teachers’ perceived usability of online platforms for learning educational technology in colleges of education in South-West, Nigeria. Data were collected through structured questionnaire from pre-service teachers selected through multistage sampling techniques. Mean, and standard deviation were used for data analysis. Findings revealed that pre-service teachers perceived online platforms useful for learning, easy to learn, satisfactory for learning educational technology but perceived not easy to use. The study concluded that pre-service teachers had positive perception of online platforms for learning Educational Technology in the Colleges of Education in South-West, Nigeria. This study therefore recommended among others that; National Commission for Colleges of Education should review the curriculum of Colleges of Education with a view to incorporating the use of online platform for teaching. Initial training and orientation classes about online learning platforms should be provided for new students entering Colleges of Education. Lecturers in the Colleges of Education should use content lesson plans that include the integration of online learning platforms for teaching. Administrators of Colleges of Education should continuously organize seminars and conferences for the pre-service teachers and lecturers on the pedagogical uses of online learning platforms</em></p>2024-12-18T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF CONSTRUCTIVIST INSTRUCTIONAL MODEL AND PROBLEM-SOLVING INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGY ON SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS’ INTEREST AND ACHIEVEMENT IN PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY IN IMO STATE2025-01-16T20:17:50+00:00NWIGWE P. O NWIGWE P.<p><em>This study investigated the effects of constructivist instructional model (5PCIM) on students’ achievement and interest in physics and chemistry in Imo State. Four research questions were asked, and Six hypotheses were formulated that gave this study a sense of direction. This study adopted quasi experimental non-equivalent control group design. The population for the study comprises all physics and chemistry students in Imo state. The sample of the study was 246 SSII physics and chemistry students drawn through multistage sampling technique. four instruments’ Physics and chemistry Achievement Test, Physics Interest Inventory and Chemistry Interest Inventory were used and validated by experts. The reliability coefficients obtained for the PAT, CAT, PII and the CII were 0.71, 0.73, 0.81 and 0.83 using Kuder Richardson and Chronbach-alpha procedure respectively. Data obtained from this study were analyzed. Mean and standard deviation scores were used to answer the six research questions while the eight hypotheses were tested at P<0.05 level of significance using Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA). The result showed that students taught using 5PCIM and PSIS obtained mean achievement score and mean interest score in physics and chemistry higher than those taught using Conventional Instructional Model (CIM). Gender did not influence significantly on mean achievement score and mean interest score of students taught using both 5PCIM and PSIS. Furthermore, the result revealed no significant interaction effect of gender and treatment on mean achievement score and mean interest score of students taught using both strategies. Therefore, this study recommended adequate training for teachers on the use of 5PCIM and PSIS which should be adopted in Nigerian secondary schools. It is effective in teaching and learning using 5PCIM and PSIS because both strategies promote the acquisition of scientific skills, technological skills, and even entrepreneurial skills.</em></p>2024-12-18T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 LANGUAGE: A MEANS FOR ACCESSING COMPUTER SCIENCE AND PROGRAMMING2025-01-25T17:20:05+00:00MOMOZOKU, Umaru Salihu MOMOZOKU, Umaru Salihuemozoku@yahoo.comJOB, Samuel Jiyah JOB, Samuel Jiyahemozoku@yahoo.comAWOYALE, Olusegun AWOYALE, Olusegunemozoku@yahoo.comAUDU, Abdulmalik Onubedo AUDU, Abdulmalik<p><em>Language is a fundamental prerequisite to all human activities and communication. The subject of mathematics is a language which is central to the development of science, engineering and technology. This study highlights the importance and types of mathematics languages used in computer science and technology, and how it enhances computer education and creates prospects for computer developers and users worldwide. The study discusses how mathematics as a language can be used in various forms in coding, developing computer programming languages and interpreting computer programming languages. It also listed some importance of mathematics in computer science and programming, and a few computer programming languages. Few areas in computer science and programming where specific branches of mathematics are utilised were discussed. The study concluded that </em><em>Mathematics is one of the disciplines needed by those who want to pursue a career in computer science and programming as it is used in various ways from software development, system design, assessment and test results or quality metrics, selection of architectures or algorithms and so on. It is suggested that those intending to major in any computer science courses should take mathematics courses relevant to their computer course of interest. Specialist teachers in mathematics and computer science should be employed to give learners the basic knowledge they need to excel in computer science and programming courses.</em></p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF NARRATIVE-BASED TEACHING METHODS ON PUPILS’ ACQUISITION OF CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS IN LAGOS STATE, NIGERIA 2025-01-25T18:55:40+00:00ISIANI U. E. ISIANI U., S. O SOPEKAN, S. M. N MANUEL M.<p><em>This paper </em><em>investigated the </em><em>effect of narrative-based methods on learning outcomes in critical thinking skills among primary school pupils in Lagos State, Nigeria. Three research questions and three hypotheses guided the study. This study employed a pre-test, post-test control group quasi-experimental research design. The sample size for the study was seventy-four participants. A researcher-designed instrument titled “Holistic Critical Thinking Scoring Rubric on Global Citizenship Concepts-(HCTSRGCC)” was used to collect data from participants using interview technique. The data collected were analysed using mean, standard deviation and independent t-test at 0.05 level of significance. The results revealed among others that:</em> <em>the use of narrative-based teaching methods in the form of story and role-play </em><em>has positive effect on pupils’ acquisition of critical thinking skills</em><em> at primary school level. The effect of gender</em><em> on critical thinking skills after using the narrative-based teaching methods was not significant. </em><em>The paper concluded that the use of narrative-based teaching methods has significant effect on pupils’ acquisition of critical thinking skills. The study recommended among other things that teachers should employ teaching methods which focus on the process of learning rather than the content such as narrative-based teaching methods (role play and storytelling methods) for effective classroom delivery to aid pupils’ development of critical thinking skills. Early childhood educators should be trained on the use and application of narrative-based teaching methods during instruction.</em></p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 STUDIES TEACHING METHOD IN CURBING ILLICIT DRUG USAGE AMONG UPPER BASIC SCHOOL STUDENTS IN ANAMBRA METROPOLIS2025-01-25T19:12:29+00:00ORJI-ORAEMESI Oluchi M ORJI-ORAEMESI Oluchi<p>This study investigated the use of inquiry teaching method in Social Studies to curb illicit drug usage among upper basic school students in Anambra Metropolis. Three research questions guided the study. The study examined the factors militating against curbing of the vices among students of the upper basic schools. A descriptive survey and quasi-experimental research using standardized achievement test and questionnaire was employed for the study. The achievement test questions were adapted from National Examination Council (NECO) past questions. The questionnaire items were developed by the researcher, but validated by experts. The reliability of the instruments was determined using test and re-test method and the coefficients of reliability obtained were 0.75 and 0.78 for achievement test and questionnaire respectively. The target population included all Upper Basic 9 students in three randomly selected local government areas in Anambra State, Nigeria. The sample was made up of 87 students, 58 in control group and 29 in experimental group. The data collected were analysed using mean and standard deviation to answer the research questions. The findings of the study revealed that inquiry teaching method is capable of curbing illicit use of drugs among Upper basic students. Based on the finding of this study, it was recommended among others that teachers should always use student-centred methods such as inquiry method which will engage the students deeply with mental work capable of distracting them from taking illicit drugs. Also, government should provide in-service training for teachers to keep them up to date with happenings in education world.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 THE POTENTIAL OF VIDEO-BASED INSTRUCTIONAL PACKAGES ON PUPILS' ACHIEVEMENT AND RETENTION IN ARITHMETIC IN ONDO METROPOLIS 2025-02-22T10:41:35+00:00OYARINDE Oluremi Noah, KOMOLAFE, Joel Oluwadununsin &KOMOLAFE, Olaide Gbemisola OYARINDE Oluremi Noah, KOMOLAFE, Joel Oluwadununsin &KOMOLAFE, Olaide<p><em>This study explores the</em> <em>potential of video-based instructional packages </em><em>on pupils’ achievement and retention in </em><em>arithmetic</em> <em>in the Ondo metropolis</em><em>.</em><em> The study adopted a quasi-experimental design with pre-test and post-test control groups. </em><em>Two primary schools were randomly selected to participate in the study, and one primary school was purposively selected for the experimental group and the other was selected for the control group within the private schools</em><em> in Ondo metropolis</em><em>. A total sample of ninety-eight (98) primary II pupils from two private primary schools made up the study's population. Data were collected through the Arithmetic Achievement Test (AAT) and Video-Based Instructional Package (VBIP) developed by the researchers. The data were analysed using AN</em><em>C</em><em>OVA. </em><em>The finding indicated no significant difference in pre-test scores between the two groups, confirming their equivalence at baseline. However, post-test scores revealed that the experimental group significantly outperformed the control group, demonstrating the effectiveness of the video-based instructional packages.</em><em> Based on the findings of the study, it was recommended among others that primary school</em><em> teachers should a</em><em>dopt a</em><em> video-based instructional package </em><em>as a pupil-driven instructional approach that gives pupils the ability to store, retain, and recall the learning experiences and improve academic achievement in primary schools.</em></p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF KAHOOT ON UNDERGRADUATES’ ACADEMIC ENGAGEMENT IN KWARA STATE2025-02-22T11:01:56+00:00ASIYANBOLA, Caleb, AKINDELE, Nurudeen Akinwole, ABDULFATTAH, Khashiyah & RAJI, Farouk Abiodun ASIYANBOLA, Caleb, AKINDELE, Nurudeen Akinwole, ABDULFATTAH, Khashiyah & RAJI, Farouk<p>This study examines the impact of Kahoot, a game-based learning platform, on undergraduates' academic engagement and performance in Kwara State. Using a descriptive survey design, data were collected from 150 students through a validated questionnaire. Analysis with percentages, means, and t-tests was conducted to address research questions and hypotheses. Findings indicate that students frequently use Kahoot for teamwork development, concept learning, and immediate feedback. The platform significantly improves academic engagement, with a grand mean score of 2.75 exceeding the benchmark of 2.50. Similarly, academic performance benefits, as reflected in a grand mean score of 2.83. Gender-based analysis showed no significant differences in engagement or performance (p-values of 0.121 and 0.187 > 0.05), indicating that Kahoot's effectiveness is consistent across genders. Kahoot fosters digital inclusion, equitable participation, and self-paced learning, creating an engaging and collaborative environment. Its interactive features and immediate feedback enhance students' understanding and retention of course material. These findings align with prior studies emphasizing Kahoot's role in boosting motivation, enjoyment, and classroom dynamics while minimizing learning barriers. The study concludes that Kahoot transforms traditional learning experiences, making them more interactive and effective. Recommendations include educator training on game-based learning tools and further research into its long-term impacts in varied contexts. The findings underscore Kahoot's potential to improve academic outcomes and modernize educational practices<em>.</em></p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 IMPACT OF SCHOOL LOCATION AND TEACHER QUALITY ON STUDENTS' ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE IN SCIENCE SUBJECTS2025-02-22T11:14:46+00:00OGUNJOBI Amos Olusola & BABALOLA Femi Emmanuel OGUNJOBI Amos Olusola & BABALOLA Femi Emmanuel<p>This study examined the impact of school location and teacher quality on the academic performance of secondary school students in science subjects. A descriptive survey research design, incorporating an ex post facto approach, was employed. The study sampled 80 science teachers and analyzed the West Africa Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) results of 1,648 students using multistage sampling techniques. Two research instruments were used: the Location and Teacher Quality Questionnaire (LTQQT) and a Two-Year Examination Results Template. The LTQQT's face and content validity were assessed by experts in Science Education and Test, Measurement, and Evaluation, while its reliability was established through the test-retest method, yielding a coefficient of 0.72. The second instrument comprised standardized results from the West African Examinations Council (WAEC). Data were analyzed using the t-test and Pearson Product-Moment Correlation, with hypotheses tested at a 0.05 significance level. Results indicated no significant relationship between school location and academic performance, whereas teacher quality showed a significant impact on student achievement. The study concludes that while location does not affect performance, teacher quality is crucial. It is recommended that schools be in conducive environments and teachers undergo continuous professional development to enhance instructional effectiveness in science education.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 MANAGEMENT PRACTICES AND INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS IN SELECTED PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN LAGOS STATE2025-02-22T11:36:17+00:00ABOLARIN, Yetunde Bukola, BELLO, S. A. & OSHIONEBO, E. E. ABOLARIN, Yetunde Bukola, BELLO, S. A. & OSHIONEBO, E.<p>This study examined knowledge management practices and institutional effectiveness in selected public secondary schools in Lagos State, Nigeria. The paper was guided by three research questions and three null hypotheses. This study employed survey research design. 3,057 respondents, comprising 2,806 teachers and 251 principals who were randomly selected across secondary schools in Lagos State served as sample for this study. Questionnaire was used for collection of data. The data collected were analysed using Chi-square and Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient at 0.05 level of significance. The paper revealed that: there is a significant influence of knowledge acquisition on institutional effectiveness in Lagos State public secondary schools; there is a significant influence of knowledge documentation on institutional effectiveness in Lagos State public Secondary Schools; and significant relationship exists between knowledge sharing and institutional effectiveness in Lagos State public secondary schools. The study concluded based on the findings of the study that knowledge management practices and institutional effectiveness in public secondary schools in Lagos State, Nigeria are significantly related. The paper recommended among others that: Government should promote teachers and principals’ acquisition of new information and ideas that can enhance their services delivery in secondary schools; and secondary schools principals should ensure that knowledge acquired through training, workshops and seminars are properly documented or preserved for effective school management.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 LEARNING METHOD AND EFFECTIVE DELIVERY OF ISLAMIC STUDIES INSTRUCTIONS AT THE SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL LEVEL IN EDUCATION DISTRICT III, LAGOS2025-02-22T12:15:49+00:00ABDULRAHEEM Sulaiman O. IGWE, R. O., & OLATUNDE, F. A. ABDULRAHEEM Sulaiman O. IGWE, R. O., & OLATUNDE, F. A.<p>The study was guided by Collaboration Integration Theory by Strom and Strom (2002). The study adopted Solomon Four-Group quasi-experimental design. The sample size for the study was seventy-four (74) Islamic Studies students. The research instruments used were achievement tests and questionnaire for collection of data. The data obtained were analyzed using mean, standard deviation and independent t-test at 0.5 level significance. The study revealed among others that: cooperative learning method has significant effect on students’ attitude towards learning of Islamic Studies in senior secondary schools in Education District III, Lagos; and the use of cooperative learning method have significant effect on students’ academic achievement in Islamic Studies in senior secondary schools Education District III, Lagos. The study concluded that cooperative learning method has significant effect on students’ attitude to learning and academic achievement in Islamic Studies in senior secondary schools in Education District III, Lagos. The study recommended among others that Islamic Studies teachers should use cooperative learning method for the delivery of Islamic Studies instructions in senior secondary schools; and principals should ensure that Islamic Studies teachers always utilize student-centred methods such as cooperative learning methods for the implementation of Islamic Studies curriculum content at the senior secondary schools’ level.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF SCIENCE PROCESS SKILLS OF BASIC SCIENCE TEACHERS’ UPPER BASIC SCHOOLS2025-02-23T17:19:22+00:00OGUEJIOFOR CHIAMAKA NNEKA Oguejiofor Chiamaka<p>This study investigates the Science Process Skills (SPSs) possessed by Basic Science teachers in Anambra State's Upper Basic Schools, crucial for fostering critical thinking and problem-solving among students. Using a descriptive survey design, data were collected from 178 Basic Science teachers across 266 public secondary schools. The Science Process Skills Test (SPST), validated by experts and piloted for reliability, assessed skills such as observation, classification, measurement, inference, prediction, experimentation, and communication. The findings reveal that while teachers exhibit high proficiency in skills like classification (76.40%), predicting (81.10%), and interpreting data (76.03%), there are significant gaps in skills such as controlling variables (33.73%) and graphing (49.73%). This disparity suggests a need for targeted professional development to enhance teachers' proficiency in these critical areas. Addressing these gaps is essential for improving the overall quality of science education, thereby benefiting students' academic performance and interest in science-related careers. The study recommends continuous professional development and the establishment of a dedicated unit within the Ministry of Education to support and sustain the application of SPSs among science teachers.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024