This study examines the impact of Kahoot, a game-based learning platform, on undergraduates' academic engagement and performance in Kwara State. Using a descriptive survey design, data were collected from 150 students through a validated questionnaire. Analysis with percentages, means, and t-tests was conducted to address research questions and hypotheses. Findings indicate that students frequently use Kahoot for teamwork development, concept learning, and immediate feedback. The platform significantly improves academic engagement, with a grand mean score of 2.75 exceeding the benchmark of 2.50. Similarly, academic performance benefits, as reflected in a grand mean score of 2.83. Gender-based analysis showed no significant differences in engagement or performance (p-values of 0.121 and 0.187 > 0.05), indicating that Kahoot's effectiveness is consistent across genders. Kahoot fosters digital inclusion, equitable participation, and self-paced learning, creating an engaging and collaborative environment. Its interactive features and immediate feedback enhance students' understanding and retention of course material. These findings align with prior studies emphasizing Kahoot's role in boosting motivation, enjoyment, and classroom dynamics while minimizing learning barriers. The study concludes that Kahoot transforms traditional learning experiences, making them more interactive and effective. Recommendations include educator training on game-based learning tools and further research into its long-term impacts in varied contexts. The findings underscore Kahoot's potential to improve academic outcomes and modernize educational practices.